Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Review PowerPoints

We will be using these in class, but I advise quizzing yourself on your own as well.

Geography 1
Geography 2
Review Crossword
Review Crossword Answers

Friday, May 14, 2010

Africa Unit Test Study Guide

The Africa unit test will be on Friday.  Be sure you know the countries on the map of Africa and the answers to the questions below.

1. Africa Before Europeans
-Why did the first humans (homo sapiens) come from Africa?
-What part of Africa has a large number of Arabs?
-Are pygmies traditionally farmers or hunters and gatherers?  What language(s) do they speak?
-Where do the Khoisan mainly live today?  What kind of languages do they speak?
-Who are the Bantu?  Are the Bantu traditionally farmers or hunters and gatherers?
-What is the Bantu migration and why is it significant?
-Who are the Austronesians?  Where do they mainly live in Africa?  Where else do they live?  How did they get to Africa?
-How do historians learn about pre-colonial Africa?

2. Imperialism in Africa
-What is imperialism?
-What is the "White Man's Burden"? How was it used to justify imperialism in Africa?

-Where were the first European territories in Africa located?  Why?
-How did the African slave trade change with European involvement?  How did the slave trade affect African society?
-What is the African diaspora?  How did the slave trade influence it?
-What was the scramble for Africa? Why did it happen so quickly?
-After the end of the slave trade, why were Europeans interested in Africa?
-How did the rubber trade affect Africans?
-What happened at the Berlin Conference?

3. Africa After Independence
-Why were so many leaders ousted by force?
-How were economic problems in Ghana and Nigeria tied to political problems?
-How did the Cold War affect Africa?
-What economic problem did Zimbabwe face after independence?

4. South Africa
-What Europeans first settled in South Africa?  Why?
-Who are the Boers?  What is Afrikaans?
-Who are the "coloureds"?
-What did the British do that angered the Afrikaaners?  What did the Afrikaaners do about it?
-Why is there such a large Indian population in South Africa?
-How did the discovery of diamonds affect South Africa?
-What were the Population Registration Act and the Group Areas Act?
-What are townships?
-What was life like under apartheid?
-Is violence or non-violence a better strategy for resisting apartheid?
-How did anti-apartheid movements succeed in overthrowing apartheid?
-Is Nelson Mandela a terrorist?
-To what extent did the end of apartheid produce equality?

5. Genocide
-What is genocide?  How is it different from war?
-How are the Hutus and Tutsis different?
-How did colonial rule contribute to differences between the groups?
-What caused the genocide in Rwanda?
-When do other countries have an obligation to intervene in genocide?

Monday, May 10, 2010

World Studies May 9 - May 15

This week's PowerPoint
Apartheid in Practice

1st period
Monday: Introduction to apartheid, HW: Reading about violent/non-violent solutions
Tuesday: Life under apartheid, HW: Reading about life under apartheid
Wednesday: Violence vs. non-violence, HW: Reading about the end of apartheid
Thursday: DROP
Friday: Apartheid video, HW: Prepare for essay
Monday: In-class essay about apartheid

5th period
Monday: Introduction to apartheid, HW: Reading about violent/non-violent solutions
Tuesday: Life under apartheid, HW: Reading about life under apartheid
Wednesday: Violence vs. non-violence, HW: Reading about the end of apartheid
Thursday: Sophomore class trip (movie for those still here
Friday: Apartheid video, HW: Prepare for essay
Monday: In-class essay about apartheid

Monday, May 3, 2010

Classwork and Homework for May 3 - May 7

Notes for this week
Africa map analysis
Scramble for Africa reading questions
Imperialism in Africa
African Diaspora

1st period
Monday: DROP
Tuesday: Notes on Africa before the arrival of Europeans and Africa map analysis, HW: Scramble for Africa reading and questions (due Thursday)
Wednesday: Imperialism in Africa and the African Diaspora, HW: Scramble for Africa reading and questions
Thursday: Discuss the Scramble for Africa and decolonization, review for quiz, HW: Study for quiz tomorrow
Friday: Quiz about the map of Africa, Africa before the arrival of Europeans, and the scramble for Africa, HW: Decolonization reading (due Monday)

5th period
Monday: Notes on Africa before the arrival of Europeans and Africa map analysis, HW: Scramble for Africa reading and questions (due Wednesday)
Tuesday Imperialism in Africa and the African Diaspora, HW: Scramble for Africa reading and questions
Wednesday Discuss the Scramble for Africa and decolonization, review for quiz, HW: Study for quiz tomorrow
Thursday: Quiz about the map of Africa, Africa before the arrival of Europeans, and the scramble for Africa,
HW: Decolonization reading (due Monday)
Friday: DROP

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Homework for April 26 - April 30

Remember, the Middle East unit test is on Friday!  You should look over the study guide to be sure you're ready!

1st period
Over the weekend: Study for Middle East map quiz
Monday and Tuesday: Work on the Israel/Palestine conflict reading and make a list of "Facts that Support Israel" and "Facts that Support Palestine"
Wednesday: Write 1-2 paragraphs about your peace process and prepare for Thursday's review
Thursday: Study for the unit test
Friday: None.  Enjoy your weekend!  We'll start our Africa unit on Monday.

5th period
Monday and Tuesday: Work on the Israel/Palestine conflict reading and make a list of "Facts that Support Israel" and "Facts that Support Palestine" (due at the beginning of class on Wednesday)
Wednesday: Prepare for Thursday's review
Thursday: Study for the unit test
Friday: None.  Enjoy your weekend!  We'll start our Africa unit on Monday.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Middle East Unit Test Study Guide

The Middle East unit test will consist of a combination of matching, multiple choice, and short answer.

Here is a list of what you should know for the Middle East unit test.  You can click on the links to find the PowerPoints or other materials that will help you answer the questions.  If you need help, you can make an appointment to meet with me during a free period or before/after school.  You can also e-mail me with questions.

1. Introduction to the Middle East
-Where are Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, the Mediterranean Sea, the Persian Gulf, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates?
-What is the difference between Arabs, Muslims, and Middle Easterners?
-Which countries in the Middle East do not have a population that is mostly Arab?
-Which country in the Middle East does not have a population that is mostly Muslim?
-Why do we call it the Middle East?
-Why is the term "Middle East" Eurocentric?
-What other region is often studied with the Middle East and why?
-Why can't people live in many parts of the Middle East?
-What is a sheik?
-What is a mosque?

2. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity
-Why are they all called Abrahmic religions?
-When and how did they originate?
-What god and prophets does each religion believe in?
-What are other similarities and differences?
-What are the Five Pillars of Islam?  (You need to know what they are, not their Arabic names).  What are similar components of Judaism and Christianity?
-What are the holy books of the three religions?
-What is the kabaa and why is it significant?
-What is the difference between Sunni and Shia?  Why is the difference important?
-Which countries have a majority of Shia Muslims?
-Is Al Qaeda Sunni or Shia?

3. Religious Extremism
-How are women treated in Saudi Arabia/Iran compared to Turkey?
-What does the Koran say about women?
-How does ultra-Orthodox Judaism compare to strict interpretations of Islam?
-What is terrorism?
-Why is it so hard to define terrorism?
-What causes terrorism? (1st period only)

4. History of the Middle East
-Why is the Middle East considered the birthplace of civilization?
-Who were the Hebrews and what was the diaspora?
-What were the major empires that controlled the Middle East?
-What were the Crusades?
-Who were the Wahhabis?
-What happened to the Middle East as a result of World War One?
-What is the PKK and what does it want?
-What were the major groups in Lebanon's Civil War and why did they start fighting?
-What does "United Arab Emirates" mean?  What are the two biggest emirates?
-Who are the Taliban?  (1st period only)

4. Economics in the Middle East
-What is life like in Dubai?  What are the pros and cons of its economic development?
-Why did Arab nations place an embargo on oil in 1973 and what effect did it have?
-How do events in the Middle East influence oil prices?
-Why does the Middle East have so much influence over the oil market?
-How did the Gulf War influence oil prices (both Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and the US response)?

5. Iran
-What was the Iranian revolution and why was it important?
-What is Islamism and how is it different from Islam?
-What effects will Iranian nuclear weapons have? (5th period only)

6. Israel and Palestine
-Where are Israel and Palestine and what are the surrounding countries?
-What are Hamas and Fatah?
-What borders did Israel have at different points in time?
-What was the Balfour Declaration and why was it significant?
-How did Israel gain independence?
-What happened in the Six Day War and why is it significant?
-What happened in the Yom Kippur War and why is it significant?
-Why was Israel's peace treaty with Egypt important?
-What does "intifada" mean and what was the effect of the first intifada?
-Is peace in the Middle East possible?  What would a viable peace plan look like?

Friday, April 16, 2010

World Studies Homework for April 19 - 23

The Middle East unit test will be next Friday - be sure you're ready!

1st period

Over break: Be sure to read the article about Dubai
Monday: Read the Wall Street Journal article about the Iranian revolution.
Tuesday: Finish making your oil graph and answer the questions about it.
Wednesday: Drop
Thursday: Prove me wrong! Research reasons why Iranian nuclear weapons are bad and be prepared to argue. Hint: look into Iran's relationship with Israel and reasons why Iran's president (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a nuclear weapon.
Friday: Study for Israel/Palestine map quiz.

5th period
Over break: Be sure to read the article about Dubai
Monday: Read the Wall Street Journal article about the Iranian revolution.
Tuesday: Finish making your oil graph and answer the questions about it.
Wednesday: Prove me wrong! Research reasons why Iranian nuclear weapons are bad and be prepared to argue. Hint: look into Iran's relationship with Israel and reasons why Iran's president (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a nuclear weapon.
Thursday: Study for Israel/Palestine map quiz.
Friday: Read the Choices reading about Israel

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Oil Price Data

Here is the data on oil prices you need for the oil graph assignment.

World Studies Homework for April 5 - April 9

Monday - Thursday: Work on Middle East newspaper.

Friday: Middle East newspaper due at the beginning of class. If you will not be in class, please give your newspaper to someone else in the class or e-mail it to me.

Over break: Read and annotate The Dark Side of Dubai article. Be prepared to discuss it when you return. Have a great April vacation!