Monday, May 10, 2010

World Studies May 9 - May 15

This week's PowerPoint
Apartheid in Practice

1st period
Monday: Introduction to apartheid, HW: Reading about violent/non-violent solutions
Tuesday: Life under apartheid, HW: Reading about life under apartheid
Wednesday: Violence vs. non-violence, HW: Reading about the end of apartheid
Thursday: DROP
Friday: Apartheid video, HW: Prepare for essay
Monday: In-class essay about apartheid

5th period
Monday: Introduction to apartheid, HW: Reading about violent/non-violent solutions
Tuesday: Life under apartheid, HW: Reading about life under apartheid
Wednesday: Violence vs. non-violence, HW: Reading about the end of apartheid
Thursday: Sophomore class trip (movie for those still here
Friday: Apartheid video, HW: Prepare for essay
Monday: In-class essay about apartheid