Friday, April 16, 2010

World Studies Homework for April 19 - 23

The Middle East unit test will be next Friday - be sure you're ready!

1st period

Over break: Be sure to read the article about Dubai
Monday: Read the Wall Street Journal article about the Iranian revolution.
Tuesday: Finish making your oil graph and answer the questions about it.
Wednesday: Drop
Thursday: Prove me wrong! Research reasons why Iranian nuclear weapons are bad and be prepared to argue. Hint: look into Iran's relationship with Israel and reasons why Iran's president (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a nuclear weapon.
Friday: Study for Israel/Palestine map quiz.

5th period
Over break: Be sure to read the article about Dubai
Monday: Read the Wall Street Journal article about the Iranian revolution.
Tuesday: Finish making your oil graph and answer the questions about it.
Wednesday: Prove me wrong! Research reasons why Iranian nuclear weapons are bad and be prepared to argue. Hint: look into Iran's relationship with Israel and reasons why Iran's president (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a nuclear weapon.
Thursday: Study for Israel/Palestine map quiz.
Friday: Read the Choices reading about Israel