Thursday, May 19, 2011

MWH - Thursday, May 19

Class Work:
Hitler vs. Stalin

Finish WW2 Presentations - Due Tuesday, May 23 (A day)/Wednesday, May 24 (B day). You will have some time to work on them on Friday/Monday, but not the whole class.
You must e-mail your project to me BEFORE CLASS on the day your project is due.
On Thursday, May 25/Friday, May 26 there will be an open note quiz based on the presentations. If you take notes on the computer, you will need to print them out BEFORE coming to class or else you will not be able to use them. You will need to hand in your notes along with your quiz.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

U.S. History - Wednesday, May 18

Class Work:
The Vietnam War: Facts and Figures

Finish your 2 page essay about the Cold War and e-mail it to me by class on Friday.

Early U.S. - Wednesday, May 18

Class Work:
Indian Removal

Finish your manifest destiny project and e-mail it to me BEFORE class on Monday.

MWH - Wednesday, May 18

Finish WW2 Presentations - Due Tuesday, May 23 (A day)/Wednesday, May 24 (B day). You will have some time to work on them on Friday/Monday, but not the whole class.
You must e-mail your project to me BEFORE CLASS on the day your project is due.
On Thursday, May 25/Friday, May 26 there will be an open note quiz based on the presentations. If you take notes on the computer, you will need to print them out BEFORE coming to class or else you will not be able to use them. You will need to hand in your notes along with your quiz.